To Our Shareholders,
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our shareholders for their everyday support for our company.
ROXX has grown rapidly through our main business "Z Career", a recruitment platform matching job seekers with full-time employment.
Our story began from when I was a band member in my teens, surrounded by adults full of passion towards music but working part-time and living paycheck to paycheck.
As one ages with major life events, such as marriage or a birth to a child, priorities in life change. However, not having worked full-time, one does not know where to start and what to do to land a full-time job.
I saw this painful reality as an opportunity and a challenge to resolve through our business.
Japan suffers from a chronic shortage of labor but on the contrary creating full-time employment opportunities for job seekers, regardless of educational background or work experience. We hope to utilize technology to further expand one's possibilities and as stated in our mission "strive to create a turning point in history" for the coming decades
We wholeheartedly appreciate the ongoing support and encouragement of our shareholders to such ends.
Taro Nakajima
ROXX, inc.
Founder and CEO